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Chat with me!
Written @ 13:43
New Cat On The Block. Introducing le fuwa fuwa Fluffy!!!

buat makluman, makhluk comel ini x dbeli dr kedai atau mana2 tempat berdaftar, tapi dikutip bawah kereta smasa hujan lebat kt rumah mggu lepas. sie dio... isk isk isk..

style gteww
fluffy suke tdo dgn posing2 comel. macam mane x syg?? iskkk >.<

mula2 diberi nama Lilly, tp sbb dah ade kucing nama Lilis nt bunyi ala2 same pulak.. pastu letak nama Fifi, Pastu letak nama Neelofa. lol~ (mak ckp nt die besa jd cantik mcm Neelofa). Last2 letak nama Fluffy sebab bulu die flufffluff.

Written @ 23:21
errrr...watever happen to my blog? ni yg aku malas nk edit2 nih, habis hancur sume. kunun nk tukar baru lah.. haaaiiizzzz... =.=

Brave 10
Written @ 22:43

Screw Ben 10! Brave 10 FTW!! muahahahhaa!!!  try tgok ep 1, fulamak hensem gila kot hero dier!! SAIZOU! I LOVE YOOOUUUU!!! ape kes stail rambut dah cam Sasuke nih, kaler pn smat, pedang die pun smat bagai. pastu sume karakter pun kakkoi giler!! gagagaggagaga!!!! try usha manga dier..ehh..macam kenal artwork ni..jeng jeng jeng..SHIMOTSUKI KAIRI punye kerr?? larhh!!! kenape die tak wat Madness jd anime skali? mmg madness la aku nt! umm.. Heaven's Love skali? >.< kyaaah!!! spazzing smpi lupe nk cter pasal ape anime nih;
A young ninja named Saizo Kirigakure is trying to find meaning and direction in his life when he encounters Isanami, who is fleeing from assassins. He manages to save her life, and she then asks him to act as her bodyguard until she reaches her destination. When they arrive in the protected territory of Sanada, Saizo falls into a meeting with Sasuke Sarutobi, leader of the famed ninja group. Sanada has gathered these bold and talented ninjas together in order to bring an end to Japan's era of war. Meanwhile, Isanami's mysterious hidden power comes to light. 

(Source: NIS America)

tapi aku tak tahan dgn minah Isanami tuh, karakter clingy + whiny + annoying + bajet sume org suke die. phuuii!!  ke tepi Isanami! kau balik kampung tanam jagung biar aku yg teman Saizou! chooyyyy! more info sila tnye wikipedia. 

tu la Sasuke, sape suh lama sgt x kluar2.. kan aku da jumpe calon baru.. mwahahaa~~ 

Written @ 20:54
aku dah malas dgn semuanya. aku dah malas dgn semua orang.

Written @ 18:44
bila pegawai tu dah kata " Datang lagi minggu depan". aiiii...xleh nk wat pe lah...
okay, i admit. My Driving Suck. at least aku dah pass bukit and parking so hey~~not bad gurl~~~ ayyy girl~~
ni tang jalan raya nih cmne nih.. time aku test ni la basikal nak keluar, lori nak keluar, treler nk kluar, time aku belajar elok jer jalan clear. asdfghjkl. lepastu pulak ade sekor makhluk ni tetiba keluar simpang secara mngejut. aku ni dah la gabra, cuak, berpeluh2 dalam ekon tuh, dengan abang hensem kat sebelah lg, panik la weehhh lalu menekan brek dgn mengejut, nak pulak mati tengah jalan. buat malu aku jerr...nasib baik abang hensem tu baik, bagi nasihat, bgtau salah itu ini, bersyukur sgt...ade satu makhluk berbasikal ni pulak, aku tau la die naik basikal kite kne bg laluan kt die... tp ape hal kau kluar tengah2 hari time aku tengah test???!! tak panas ker???!!  tepilah sikit wei!! aku antara hidup mati nih!!! bila org tanye td, ni salah sape ni x lulus ni? aku salahkan kecuaian aku dan orang yang bawak kete bajet jalan dia bina. mentang2 aku pakai kete putih ade siren kt atas bumbung wat psycho kt aku. phuuuiiiii!!!!

abang hensem, kita jumpa lagi minggu depan yerr~~? lalalalala~~
*mood; frust, apa bleh buat? tengok tv, layan movie jelahhh*

T --> D? Whad Dhe Hell?
Written @ 16:18
buat --> buad, sangat -->sangad, lambat--> lambad, kalau mcm tu Hang Tuah jd Hang Duah la?

Ni satu lagi pesen tulisan zaman sekarang. entah dari ceruk mana datangnye aku pn xtau. kene pergi tanya org yg guna perkataan mcm ni lah. Dah elok2 lidah tu x pelat nak pergi pelatkan, yg tak pergi pelatkan lidah die pergi pelatkan jari. Bagi aku tulisan mcm ni tulisan org mengada-ngada je. Boleh x korang masuk kelas kemahiran bertutur atau menulis/menaip secara normal? nak jugak aku dengar mcm mane bunyi T dgn D tuh. x berkesempatan nk g kelas2 mcm tu? xpe2 biar aku terang kan sket.
T untuk TUKUL, nak sebut T, TUH TUH TUH okey? hujung lidah bergetar di bahagian gigi sebelah dalam. bukan DUKUL yer.
D untuk DOLPHIN, DUH DUH DUH okey? hujung lidah bergetar di lelangit, bukan TOLPHIN yer..
kalau susah sgt la.. pergi la belajar balik ABC with Phonics sound, pergi beli buku ABC yg siap ade CD. tak mampu? xpe, nanti aku bagi pinjam yg anak sedara aku umur setahun lebih punya..amacam?

KeCik BeSO
Written @ 16:09
( weYy kOrG TeNGaH BuAT pE?) Aku PANTANG betul kalau nampak tulisan macam ni. 'Dari mata turun ke hati' memang, sakit mata aku turun ke sakit hati. Aku nak baca pun terpaksa eja satu2, aku ni dah la rabun, power boleh tahan, nak menyeksa mata aku lagi. Tolonglah jangan tambahkan penderitaan orang2 rabun macam aku ni. Orang yg taip/tulis macam ni keypad/keyboard die rosak ke? ke Caps Lock die tercabut? (aku pun masih boleh menaip dgn waras lg walaupun hruf O aku dah tercabut dr keyboard) atau pun mereka x pernah masuk darjah 1? ke ponteng kelas masa cikgu ajar menulis? Agaknye nak kene aku hadiahkan buku 3 garisan tu kot...

bila aku cuba nak mem-positifkan minda aku..aku dapatlah konklusi ni; otak mereka lebih complicated drpd otak einstein...

kuih talam rendam sup hipokrit
Written @ 20:32
aku nk citer sket ttg resepi ni sbb baru2 ni aku tgok ade org wat resepi ni dan nampaknye berjaya.. aku nk cter sekali pasal tukang wat kuih ni. nak wat kuih ni bukan sebarang orang je boleh buat, kene ada ciri2 dia; harus pandai pakai mekap tebal setebal the great wall of china, pandai bermuka2 sebanyak muka talam yg ade bawah sinki dapur korang.tukang wat kuih talam ni jugak kene rajin buat, dan suka makan kuih talam. yg penting suka sedekah kuih talam kpd org2 yg layak menerima kuih tersebut, tp maaflah, kau offer free mcm mana sekali pun kuih kau tu, aku x akan terima, aku takut nt bukan perut aku je yg sakit, hati aku sekali bernanah2. tp memandangkan aku ni masih ade rasa kesian kat kau, aku ambik lah jugak kuih kau tu baling kt blakang rumah aku buat baja pokok betik, okey? tu pun kalau pokok betik aku nk terima lah.. baik tak? baik tak?

untuk sup hipokrit pulak, time buat kene pandai cakap berdegar2 dekat seseorang, dan kemudian cakap benda lain dekat orang lain, jangan lupa buat ayat pasrah siket, siap dengan muka kesian, senang org lain nak percaya, ye dak? laaaaast skali update lah kt status fb ke kt blog ke kat twitter ke pasal kisah kesian kau tu, supaya sup kau ni laku...tp ehem, awal2 aku da bau sup hipokrit basi kau nih.,aku x terpedaya nak minum racun yg kau bg kt aku..x rela aku mati minum sup kau lah.. bagi  kt kucing aku pun, kucing aku mesti lempar jauh2.

pastu ambik lah kuih talam then rendam dalam sup hipokrit, bagilah kt sesiapa yg rasa perlu, kompem hati org tu bernanah2 ijo.
ada sesapa lagi nk bagi hidangan istimewa ni kat aku? nt aku bg feedback penampar anje2 ye..?

just for ETUDE.
Written @ 01:59
while i was FB-ing,i saw Etude House's status that reads...
"' Yeah.. SHINee's fans ... The limited edition folder and diary is available in Étude House Malaysia starting from 1st Feb 2012. All gift while stock last. Grab it before regret ! Visit today ... Terms & Conditions Apply. "
i was restless till 3 am in the morning and couldn't sleep cause i was so worried that the gifts will be out of stock -no kidding, you guys gotta believe me.

Lucky for my pitiful heart, my dad has a meeting 9.00 am in the morning in shah alam and i just took a quick nap cuz we'll have to leave at 5.00 a.m. then i decided to ask my mom,
me; " Can I go to KL today?"
mom; ".......sure."
o...kay, that was unexpected. but hey, who cares? i can go meet my boys~
my dad dropped me off at the bus station while he went to the meeting,,,and my mom...just too lazy to follow me. so she stayed., i took the bus, the train, the monorail,.....aaa.......nddd...
ta-dah!!! hello Bukit Bintang. dashed my way to Etude House in Sungei Wang Plaza. but sadly they didn't have the gifts there..:(
i had to walk all the way to Pavilion though. lucky they had 3 stores in that area. (another one in times square?)

the first thing, i went to the store and ask one of the staff there, she said they got the gifts there. and i got this butterflies twirling inside my stomach.. so relieved...so happy~~~
the staff is very nice and friendly, and her service was great! thank you! really worth my trip.
got the folder, grab some coffee at the Starbucks then went back to shah alam.
along the ride home, i was grinning like a happy fangirl i am. heeee~~~ i even grinned in my sleep...>.<

the folder. nice right?

you gotta spend rm30 and above to get the folder, rm80 and above for the diary. i don't really write much so i  preferred the folder instead. 

free sample. the staff gave me bottles of this. thanx! 
now i can drift off to etude fairyland full of fluffiness, pinky-ness and of course, with my boys.

The Lonely Chef; Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake
Written @ 01:29
i was watching Nigella on TLC on astro the other day and i saw her making this fabulous cake. the gooey-ness had me a major turn on. even my family crave for more! i also gave this cake to someone i know in a bakery and she really likes it, she even asked me for the recipe. now guise,get ready to rock your kitchen cuz here's the trick;

(i'm going to write according to my understanding here. and i'm going to write in malay. don't worry, you can find the original english version at Nigella's official website.*the link is at the end of this post*)

200g digestive biscuits
50g salted peanuts
100g dark choc chips
50g soft unsalted butter

-panaskan oven shingga 170°c
-blendkan bahan2 base dlm food processor/ blender smpi hancur
-tuangkan ke dlm springform tin (1x23cm), ratakan dan tekan sampai mampat
-sejukkan dlm peti sejuk sementara anda masak filling dia pula.

500g cream cheese
3 eggs
3 egg yolks (kuning telur)
200g caster sugar
125ml sour cream
250g smooth peanut butter

-tuangkan semua bahan filling ke dlm mangkuk besar, kemudian whizz-kan smua bahan smpi jd licin dan lembut
-keluarkan base dr peti sejuk dan tuangkan filling ke atas base.
-masak dalam oven lebih kurang 50 minit. Lapisan atas kek mestilah kering utk elak topping meresap dalam filling nt.
-lepas kek masak, keluarkan dr oven dan biarkan ia sambil kita buat topping

250ml sour cream
100g milk chocolate (coklat makan)
30g soft brown sugar

-panaskan semua bahan2 atas api slow
-kacau sampai cair semua bahan2 tersebut
-tuangkan ke atas kek dan ratakan
-bakar kek bersama topping utk 10 minit lagi.
-biarkan kek sejuk di suhu bilik kemudian simpan dlm peti sejuk.

......aaaand there goes the perfect cake! wallah!!!!
and thank you Nigella for spreading this cheese-y love! *off to finish the cake~ yumm yummm~~*
original recipe can be found here.